🎁 2023 Christmas Gift Guide and more...

Updates and 5 gift ideas for the people you love most, including yourself..

Our 2023 Christmas Gift Guide and more.. 🎁 🎄 

📧 In this email…

  • 👋 Quick welcome to our newest subscribers!

  • 📱 2 exciting app updates that make memorization easier

  • 🎁 Our 2023 Christmas gift guide! 🎄 (5 simple gifts that could change your Bible study, key relationships or your life)

New subscribers, welcome! 👋 

  • We’ve had a lot of people join the newsletter in the past few weeks - welcome! You’re in good company with thousands of other Jesus followers memorizing Scripture and learning its context!

  • As a reminder, we memorize a new verse every other week. We’ll start the next one on Monday 12/11!

📱 Malachi Daily web app updates..

  1.  You can now review previously memorized verses on 'off-weeks'

    • Open your web app to see it in action, or

    • If you haven’t set it up yet, click here and instructions will pop up on how to add Malachi Daily to your home screen.

  1. You can now type to fill in the blanks & get live feedback!

*For new subscribers, the web app is totally free, easy to use and allows you to customize:

  • Bible translation (ESV, NIV, NLT, MSG, KJV)

  • Font type

  • How the words get replaced with blanks (in order vs. random) & more

The 2023 Christmas Gift Guide 🎁 

5 gift ideas for the people you love most, including yourself (#1 and #5 are personal favorites)!

1. The NET Bible 📖 

For the one who wants to study the Bible more in 2024 🤓 

  • Ever find it hard to connect with the ancient words and cultural contexts of the biblical writers?

  • The NET (New English Translation) offers a readable, everyday English translation with the largest set of translators’ notes ever created for a Bible.

My pastor recommended the NET Bible to me when I asked for something more than just a normal study Bible.

Now, I use it every week to help me understand the context of Bible passages I’m studying (many of which I share with all of you)!

2. Questions for Humans 🗣️ 

For those who want to give the gift of conversation and deeper relationships..

Ever have a conversation with someone that takes your relationship to the next level after knowing them for years? These conversation starter cards help you do just that.

What I love most about these is that they have different versions based on who you want to have conversations with:

For people who want Scripture to fill their home..

Deuteronomy 6 talks about the importance of writing God’s words on your heart. Part of that involves having physical reminders of His Word in our houses and all around us.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart.

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.

You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.

You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

  • We have some art in our dining room that has the fruit of the spirit listed on it…

    • Our 3 and 4 year olds have it memorized, and they’ve started encouraging each other to show ‘self-control’ in conversations!

    • And whenever we host non-believing friends for dinner, it sparks great conversation!

There are other sets like this one available all over Etsy and other websites, but this set includes 6 different verses and can be ordered in a few different sizes.

For the friend who loves games and wholesome laughter..

  • Cards Christians like launched through a Kickstarter campaign a while back and they’ve been getting great reviews.

  • Imagine Cards Against Humanity met Jesus and experienced deep, transformational heart-change…That’s pretty much what this is. Clean and safe fun for the whole family or your small group.

This is one of my favorite books of all time. I read it at least once a year.

John Mark is a pastor and founder of a non-profit called Practicing the Way, which exists to help people actually follow Jesus (aka spend time with him, do the things he did, and become like him).

The ideas in this book transformed the pace of our family’s life by helping us adopt the rhythms of Jesus’ life (like Sabbath and simplicity).

If you are constantly on the go and find yourself longing for the next vacation..only to realize that vacation didn’t solve the problem..

This book will change your life. I couldn’t recommend a book more highly.

Looking forward to memorizing our next verse as a community next week about finding our rest in God! 🙌 



p.s. An honorable mention:

The Story Circle by Joshua Lenon.

Human beings are (and always have been) story-driven people. It’s why we’re captivated by movies and novels, and why good stories resonate deeply within us.

Beyond enjoying stories, we live in a world of competing narratives. And the narrative you choose to live in determines how you live.

The Story Circle walks you through the True Narrative of Scripture. 

A friend gave it to me and it has been an incredible blessing to get wrapped up in God’s narrative.

This book will bless you. I guarantee it. If you give it a read, I’d love to hear what you think!

*Some of the above links are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to purchase any of the products listed, Malachi Daily may receive a small commission. Little things like this help us cover our operating expenses so we can keep serving you for free. Thank you for your support!