🧠 Mark 8:35 | Original Greek & Open Hands vs. Closed Fists

PLUS: Jim Elliot's inspiring story of faith...

together with

Howdy 👋

If you missed the Monday or Tuesday emails, you can click here to read them (scroll down after clicking to read them).

📧In today’s email…

  • 🧐 More context + original Greek

  • 💪 An example of laying down your life

  • 📚️ Resources to help you connect further with Mark 8:35


see if you know what words go in the blanks

For _______ would ____ his life will ____ __,

but whoever _____ ___ life for __ and ___ ______’s will ____ it.

Mark 8:35

(Answer key below. You can also use our free web app to memorize in your favorite translation. Set up instructions are linked at the bottom of this email.)

👉 More Context + Original Greek

In this verse Jesus clearly instructs believers to “lose their life” for His sake.

What does He mean by the word “life” here?

It might be different than the way we usually approach it..

3  For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.

Mark 8:35

In the original Greek the the term “his life” in this verse has been translated from psychē (pronounced psoo-hay).

For whoever would save psychē (his life) will lose it.

but whoever loses psychē (his life) for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.

Mark 8:35

Psychē can be translated as “soul,” “life,” “self,” or “mind,” depending on the context in which it is used. Here are some key aspects of its meaning:

  1. Soul: The immaterial part of a person, including emotions, thoughts, and will; the essence of identity.

  2. Life: The vital force that animates a being, separating the living from the dead.

  3. Self: The whole person, both physical and non-physical; personal identity.

  4. Mind: The seat of emotions and desires, the inner self where thoughts and feelings reside.

In the context of Mark 8:35, psychē is used to emphasize the entirety of one’s being, both physical life and inner self.

It reminds me of the clear instructions Jesus gives in Matthew.

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

Matthew 22:37

Opened vs. Closed Hands 🖐️ 

Seeking to save your life leads to you losing it.

Losing it for Jesus’ sake leads to you saving it.

The image that comes to mind are that of an open hand vs. a closed fist.


 Closed fist: By holding onto our own life, seeking to save ourselves, we end up losing our lives. It’s as if God tries to hand us salvation, but our hands are full because we are clinging onto our own life.

And in doing so, we deny ourselves salvation.

🖐️ Open hand: By surrendering and letting go of our lives for Jesus’ sake and for the sake of the gospel, we actually open our hand to receive salvation from God.

💡 Reflect: Does your walk with God feel like you are surrendered to his will for your life? Or do you feel like most of your life is spent trying to exercise your own will?

Jim Elliot’s Story 🤔 

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”

Jim Elliot

Jim Elliot was born on October 8, 1927, in Portland, Oregon.

In 1952, Jim Elliot traveled to Ecuador with the intention of evangelizing the Huaorani people, a remote and previously unreached indigenous tribe.

Jim Elliot

He was joined by four other missionaries: Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian.

Despite the dangers and the tribe’s reputation for violence, they were determined to share the message of Christ.

On January 8, 1956, after initial friendly contact, Jim Elliot and his four companions were killed by Huaorani warriors.

Their deaths shocked the world but also inspired many to pursue missionary work.

The story of their sacrifice and unwavering faith is well documented in this video.

Jim Elliot’s legacy continues to influence and inspire Christians around the globe, exemplifying the principles of sacrificial love and dedication to the Great Commission as reflected in Mark 8:35.

💡 Maybe you aren’t called to visit unreached people groups like Jim Elliot, or maybe you are. Either way, his story can inspire all of us as believers to lay down our lives for the sake of the Gospel.

TUVU: Connecting People, Families and Communities 📱 

One of the biggest enemies of prayer (aka experiencing the presence of God) is distraction.

Traditional social media is built to be:

  • Addictive: keeping you on their platforms as long as possible

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Tuvu, a new social media app built for Christians is neither of those things.

It’s a place for friends, family and communities to share and consume uplifting, family-friendly content.

It’s ad-free (so it’s not about getting you to buy other people stuff) and it’s not designed to be addictive (so you won’t spend countless hours on it).

Most social media takes you further from God’s presence.

Tuvu nudges you towards it.

Click below to give Tuvu a free trial for 30 days 👇️ 

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Recommended Resources 🎙️

Here are a few resources to help you dig deeper into this week’s passage and topics:

  • 🎶 Living Years by Vertical Worship (Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Music)

  • 📹️ Bible Project: Gospel of Mark Summary (link)

  • 📹️ You Have One Life, Don’t Waste It - John Piper (link)

  • 📚️ A Commentary on The Gospel of Mark - The Gospel Coalition (link)

  • 📚️ Following Christ: Losing Your Life For His Sake by Charles Spurgeon (link)

Answer key

For whoever would save his life will lose it,

but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.

Mark 8:35

Have a great Wednesday! 🐫


Kieran & Isaac 🙏

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