Matthew 4:4 | Greek, bread and trivia 📊
Ever realize how significant a role bread plays throughout Scripture?
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If you missed yesterday’s email introducing Matthew 4:4, read it here.
In today’s email:
The Greek word for bread 🥖
A reflection question 🤔
Culture Translator: A practical resource for parents 🎙️
A trivia question about Matthew 4:4 📊
Let’s see how you do..
Memorize 🧠
___ __ ______, “__ __ _____, “‘___ shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
Matthew 4:4
Don’t have the Malachi Daily web app set up yet? Click here for instructions📱
Original language 🇬🇷
The Greek word translated as ‘bread’ is ‘artos’.
Bread was significant & central to the daily lives of Israelites in biblical times.
It was a dietary staple, carried symbolic meaning in religious life & sacrifices, and is a common image we see throughout Scripture.
Consider just a few examples of the significance of bread:
Passover: unleavened bread
Jesus teaching us to pray, “Give us Lord our daily bread”
Jesus saying, “I am the bread of life”
The Last Supper: Jesus breaking bread and referring to it as his body
Jesus’ miracles involving bread and fish
Jesus’ warning against the ‘yeast of the Pharisees’
Apply & respond 🏃♀️
When we feel like our relationship with God is distant (aka spiritually malnourished), sometimes it’s simply because we have not been spiritually “eating.”
What’s one thing God is inviting you to do in response to Matthew 4:4 this week?
Culture Translator: A practical resource for parents 🎙️
Today is #GivingTuesday so I wanted to highlight one of our favorite non-profits… helps parents of kids 8-19 years old engage in healthy conversations about culture from a Christian perspective.
Here’s their one-liner:
“Being A Parent Today Is Hard. We Connect Parents, Teens, & Jesus In A Disconnected World.”
They have guides and conversation kits on all of the cultural topics affecting your children and exist to help parents and faith leaders have meaningful conversations with Gen Z.

They keep up with the latest trends in pop culture (from movies to social media trends and tech).
They keep you informed, and they help you engage in healthy conversations with your kids to help them see things through the lens of faith in Jesus (and it’s all free).
My kiddos aren’t 8 yet, but I’ve already been using their resources to prepare for conversations I know will be inevitable with our kids.
Click here to subscribe their newsletter in one click.
Trivia 💡
Matthew Chapter 4Which of the below temptations did Jesus NOT face in the wilderness? |
(we’ll share the correct answer in Wednesday’s email)
Answer key ✅
But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
Matthew 4:4
Have a blessed Tuesday 🌮
Kieran & Isaac

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p.s. As a reminder, we memorize new verses every other week. So it’s one week on, one week off 😃