✝️ Proverbs 16:32 | Anger & The Forgiving Servant


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Happy Thursday!

If you missed any of this week’s emails, you can click here (and scroll down after clicking).

📧 In today’s email…

  • 📖 How Jesus used his might and power

  • 😠 1 simple practice + 5 more ways to reduce anger in daily life

  • 🔦 Community spotlight!

 🧠 Memorize

see if you know what words go in the blanks

Whoever __ ____ __ _____ is better ____ ___ ______,

and he who _____ ___ spirit ____ __ ___ takes _ ____.

Proverbs 16:32

(Answer key below. You can also use our free web app to memorize in your favorite translation. Set up instructions are linked at the bottom of this email.)

The Forgiving Servant 📖 

Jesus tells the parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18.

But his life and ministry is the constant story of the Forgiving Servant.

On the cross…

And Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.'

Luke 23:24

And after Peter’s betrayal (three times), we see Jesus’ forgiveness extended as he redeems him after the resurrection (John 21:15-19).

Jesus had every opportunity to show bitterness, resentment and sinful anger towards the people he interacted with throughout his life.

Jesus had the power and might to use his anger to utterly destroy his enemies. But time and time again, we see him choose self-control.

The Gospel ✝️ 

Where do we get this kind of power and self-control?

Ironically, ‘self-control’ doesn’t come from ourselves.

It comes from God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It comes as a response to looking at the cross, seeing Jesus hanging up there for our sins, and forgiving us with his dying breaths.

On the cross, instead of being angry, we see Jesus forgiving the very people who were executing him.

And the very people who betrayed him in his hour of greatest need.

When you realize that the forgiveness on display on the cross is for you, and you realize just how much you need it —

— it starts to feel silly in comparison to hold onto anger, bitterness and unforgiveness towards another person.

Proverbs 16:32 says:

Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty,

and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

Jesus is the most mighty person to ever walk the face of the earth.

He didn’t just have the ability to take a city by might —

God has the ability to speak the universe into existence with a single word.

And yet, while being crucified, Jesus asked the Father to forgive his executioners, demonstrating the ultimate control over his spirit.

When we think of Proverbs 16:32, let it remind us of Jesus on the cross, ruling over his spirit during the most excruciating experience imaginable.

And let us remember why he did it — to absorb the wrath of God we deserve and extend the forgiveness and love of God we don’t deserve.

Emotional Dashboard + Overcoming Anger 🚗 

Anger is a signal on our emotional dashboard telling us that something is off.


God gave us our emotions for a reason.

Sometimes, we simply need to pay attention to them and process them with God and others.

For me personally, one of the most impactful practices I’ve used to help with anger is this:

  1. Notice I’m angry: This is step 1. It’s hard to process an emotion you aren’t aware of.

  2. Say out loud (or prayer journal): “I am angry because…” and fill in the blank. Half the time, the act of taking 5 seconds to figure out why I am angry is enough to melt it away.

  3. Tell my wife or a friend about my anger: Sharing anger and bringing into the light in a healthy way is so much more effective than letting it fester in the dark.

Give this process a shot today:

  1. Notice

  2. Label why

  3. Tell a friend

5 Other Ways to Overcome Anger 🏃 

  1. 🙏 Prayer: Turn to God in prayer when feeling angry, seeking His peace and guidance.

  2. 📖 Scripture meditation: Regularly reflect on Bible verses about patience, forgiveness, and self-control (like our memory verse this week!)

  3. 🤲 Practice forgiveness: Follow Christ's example by forgiving others, even when it's difficult.

  4. 🤝 Seek accountability: Connect with fellow believers who can help you manage your anger in a godly manner.

  5. ✝️ Remember God's love: Focus on God's unconditional love for you, which can help put frustrations into perspective.

💡 Take Action: Choose one idea from above to focus on today.

Invite the Holy Spirit to work on you from the inside out. Over time, you will realize that you are not as angry and hot-tempered as you once were!

Community spotlight 🔦 

Community Feedback ❤️ 

I love the way the two of you bring a new perspective on passages. You keep it simple and understandable. I am so glad I found your site. Keep up the great work!

Jim N

Love the scripture, the history, the background. Also, the song was very helpful in memorizing the scripture!

Donna M

Shout-outs 📣

  • Shout out to Danielle for supporting Malachi Daily by getting something from our shop!

  • HUGE thank you to Wendy G for choosing to pay-it-forward so we can help more people memorize and learn about God’s Word!

p.s. Many of you have requested the option for a one-time payment to support our work rather than a recurring subscription.

You now have that option here!

Thank you for your generosity! 🙏 

Answer key  

Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty,

and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

Proverbs 16:32

Have a blessed Thursday ✌️ 


Kieran & Isaac

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