👍 Romans 8:28 | "All things work together for good..."
PLUS: A song to help you memorize..

Happy Monday, everyone!
Romans 8:28 isn’t just one of the most well-known verses in Romans. It’s one of the most quoted verses in the entire Bible.
And for good reason.
We’re drawn to it because, let’s be honest, life is hard. Suffering isn’t a matter of if — it’s a matter of when.
And when it comes, we all wrestle with the same question:
Where is God in this?
In today’s email…
📕 What to know about the book of Romans
🙏 A reading and prayer to prepare your heart for the week
🎵 A song to help you memorize Romans 8:28
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And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
(Use our free web app to help you memorize in your favorite translation. Instructions to set it up are at the bottom of this email.)
Before we dive into Romans 8:28, let’s take a step back and get a full picture of the book of Romans.
Who wrote it? The Apostle Paul.
Paul had a sharp mind, a fiery passion for Jesus, and a knack for laying out deep theological truths. Romans is no exception.
When Was It Written? Likely around AD 56-58, near the end of Paul’s third missionary journey.
Who was it written to? Paul wrote this letter to the Christians in Rome — both Jews and Gentiles — who met in house churches.
These believers were well-educated and lived in the heart of the empire, surrounded by Roman culture, power, and influence.
But the Roman church had some tension.
Years earlier, Emperor Claudius had expelled all Jews from Rome (Acts 18:1-2), including Jewish Christians.
By the time they returned, the churches had become very Gentile in their customs and practices. Naturally, this created some friction over things like:
Circumcision (Romans 2)
Observing the Sabbath (Romans 14)
Dietary laws (Romans 14)
Paul’s letter wasn’t just a theological treatise. It was also a call for unity in a divided church.
What Was Rome Like at the Time?
To understand the Roman church, it helps to know about the world they lived in.
Political Power: Rome was the center of the known world, ruled by emperors and the mighty Roman Senate. It was a hub of wealth, law, and military strength.
Social Structure: Society was rigidly hierarchical. There were elites, commoners, freed slaves, and enslaved people — each with very different rights and privileges.
Religious Diversity: Romans worshiped a variety of gods, and emperor worship was common. Christianity stood out because it declared allegiance to one God, not many.
Cultural Influence: Rome was a melting pot of ideas, philosophy, and education. The church was made up of people from all walks of life, bringing their own backgrounds and perspectives.
This was the world in which Paul was writing — an empire obsessed with power, status, and self-sufficiency.
And yet, Paul’s message in Romans was radically different: salvation doesn’t come from power, status, or personal effort. It comes through faith in Jesus.
Romans 8 sits at the heart of the letter.
Paul has just explained that believers are no longer slaves to sin but are led by the Spirit and are children of God.
And then, in verse 28, he gives one of the most powerful assurances in all of Scripture:
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Paul says this to people in a world filled with suffering, political turmoil, and cultural division.
And yet, he boldly declares that God is at work in all of it.
Throughout this week, we’ll explore what this means for us today.
Read: Take time today to read all of Romans 8.
Once you’ve finished, prepare your heart in prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for setting me free from sin and death. I bring nothing to the table — nothing I have done or ever could do would be enough to earn the gift of salvation. And yet, by Your grace, You have given it freely.
Search my heart, Lord. Let me be found wanting —
Wanting more of Your Spirit to guide me,
More of Your strength to sustain me,
More of Your goodness to shape me,
More of Your love to fill me,
More of Your plan to lead me.
I am Yours. Have Your way in me. Amen.
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Here’s a song to help us memorize Romans 8:28.
Let it sink in, take root, and replay in your heart (and ears) throughout the day.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
The Malachi Daily team 🙏
Today’s Contributors
Payton is a husband, father, and pastor in Vero Beach, FL. He leads a small church and helps Christians master storytelling through his newsletter, Christian Story Lab.
Kieran is a husband and father living in NJ. In addition to Malachi Daily, he writes a personal newsletter (link fixed) about the intersection of faith, fatherhood and entrepreneurship.
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