Example: Memorizing Matthew 4:4 🐪

What to expect from Malachi Daily emails 👇🏽

Hey friend!

Let’s keep getting you acclimated! Let’s say we’re memorizing Matthew 4:4…

Below are some examples of the types of content you can expect from our newsletter throughout the week.

Note: You wouldn’t get every section you see below in a single email. We’d spread it out throughout the week. :)

💡 Memorize: This section will be at the top of every email to help you memorize the Scripture we’re learning about.

Memorize 🧠 

Jesus _________, "It __ _______: 'Man shall not ____ on _____ _____, but on every ____ that comes from the _____ of God.'"

Matthew 4:4

(answer key below)

💡 Passage context: Each day, we’ll also teach you context about the passage - things like the original author & audience, historical context, how it points to Jesus and insights from the original language.

Below is an example of us digging into a key word or concept in the original language to help us more fully understand the Scripture.

Original language 🇬🇷 

The Greek word translated as ‘bread’ is ‘artos’.

  • Bread was significant & central to the daily lives of Israelites in biblical times.

    • It was a dietary staple, carried symbolic meaning in religious life & sacrifices, and is a common image we see throughout Scripture.

💡 Trivia: Once a week, we’ll quiz you on something related to the Bible verse we memorize!

Trivia ❓️ 

Matthew Chapter 4

Which of the below temptations did Jesus NOT face in the wilderness?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

(we’ll share the correct answer in Wednesday’s email)

💡 Taking action: Memorizing Scripture and understanding it intellectually is great…but in the end, ‘faith without works is dead.’

We want to help you respond to what you’re learning through some kind of action like prayer or moving towards others in love.

Apply & respond 🏃‍♂️ 

Food doesn’t nourish us until we consume it. Holding an apple in your hand will give you no health benefit.

It has to go from outside of us to inside of us.

God’s Word is the same way - we can’t simply hold the Bible in our hands (physically or digitally) and expect it to nourish us.

It has to make into us - by reading it, listening to it, memorizing it and letting it drive our actions.

In Matthew 4:4, Jesus teaches us that the very words of God provide spiritual nourishment.


Lord, help me seek not just physical nourishment, but spiritual nourishment from Your Word today. Amen. 🙏

💡 Recommendations: Sometimes we’ll recommend songs, podcasts, videos or other resources to help you engage more deeply with God and His Word.

Recommended resources 🎙️ 

  • 🎙️ Learn more about the context for Matthew 4:4 by listening to this 7 min podcast.

  • 💪 Add ‘Not Today Satan’ by KB and Andy Mineo to your workout playlist.

  • ☕️ One common temptation we face today is being provoked to anger & anxiety by polarizing news.

    • That’s why we’re a fan of The Pour Over, a free Christian newsletter providing politically neutral coverage of events and pairing it with brief Biblical reminders.

    • You can subscribe to their 2x a week newsletter here with one click.


💡 Humor: We like to laugh. Expect to see GIFs, memes or jokes to put a smile on your face 🙃 

Humor 😂 

The answer key for the memory verse will also be included at the bottom of every email so you never have to leave the email to see the full verse.

Answer key  

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

Matthew 4:4

Excited to help you memorize your first passage - don’t hesitate to reply here with any questions!


Kieran & Isaac