Announcing: The Malachi Daily Web App 📱🚀
How we pulled off something I didn't realize was possible in < 2 weeks..
Y’all. SO excited to share this update!

feeling like Shaq at an all-you-can-eat buffet
If you’re in a rush, read the TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) and have a great day 🏃♂️💨
..but if you want a short story of God’s timing & goodness, read the rest 🙌
TL;DR ⏩️
🚀 We now have a free, interactive web app (screenshots below) that accompanies the newsletter to help you memorize Scripture
🤯 We now offer more translations (ESV, NIV, KJV, NLT, MSG). You can choose your preference once you set up the web app
🔔 The web app allows you to receive push notifications (similar to texts) to remind you about the Scripture we’re memorizing.
Check it out 😍

simple = beautiful

text-like notifications 💥
Click here or the button below for instructions on how to set up the Malachi Daily Web App.
⚡️ How this all happened in < 2 weeks..
🗓️ On November 11th, we announced the change from a text-message based service to an email newsletter in large part due to the high cost of sending text messages.
Isaac and I had just surrendered the desire to send users daily reminders, knowing that we weren’t going to build a full-fledged app or send texts.
3 hours later, enter Cam Pak 👋 - a total stranger (now friend) who has been using Malachi Daily since October.

He replied to our email & offered to build a simple web app for free.
He just straight up wanted to serve the Kingdom and help this community memorize Scripture…
…and within a few hours…had a working prototype 🤯

⌚️ God’s timing…
As it turns out, Apple just started allowing web apps to send push notifications to people’s phones for the first time ever 🍎
📲 Which means we can send you reminders to memorize Scripture straight to your phone (like a text message, but without the cost).
⏩️ Fast forward 2 weeks and countless tests and iterations. And here we are, telling our community that we have a working web app, freely available to our subscribers.

Cam, you’re the real MVP. Thank you for your generosity. 🙏
So moving forward…
Malachi Daily = The Newsletter + Web App

📱 The Web App will help you memorize Bible verses
📰 The Newsletter will still help you memorize the Bible verse, but it’ll also help you study that Scripture & learn its context
Note: The Web App works on all Android phones & iPhones.
⚠️ Push notifications only work on Android phones & any iPhone running iOS 16.4 and up.
If you need to check which software your iPhone is running, go to: ⚙️ Settings → General → About. Check the number next to Software Version.
🙏 That you would know Jesus more deeply
We hope that this combination will not only help you memorize Scripture more effectively, but develop a deeper understanding of God’s Word.
(and as a result, our prayer is that you grow a more intimate relationship with the God who died for you ✝️ )
👉️ Again, all you have to do is follow the instructions here to get access to it!
👀 As always, when things are new and done at scale, we’re bound to run into issues, so please let us know if you’re having problems so we can help you troubleshoot!
p.s. I’ve learned that generosity comes in many forms - time, talents, money, and words of encouragement.
Today, as I type this email to you, I’m sitting in gratitude for the generosity of this community. 👐
From Cam volunteering his time and talents to build the web app. To the encouraging messages you all shared when we announced the transition to email. To the Inner Circle helping us operate. It means the world to us 🌎️

Whatever way you’re equipped to join us…join us!
Join the inner circle and help us reach more people 📖
Reply + tell us how memorizing Scripture is impacting your life 🙋
Share this newsletter with your friends, church & small group 😁
This all started as a seed of an idea, and God has already done amazing things with and through this community. And we’re excited to see what else He has in store.
Onward 🫡
Kieran, Isaac & Cam