Malachi Daily
The daily email with an eternal purpose. Memorize Bible verses & learn their context via email.
PLUS: A simple question to share the reason for your hope...
PLUS: A text you can send a friend today..
PLUS: A few practical things to do today..
PLUS: Trivia on Jeremiah's nickname...
PLUS: A catchy song to help you memorize..
A simple way to share you faith and reviewing what we learned this week...
PLUS: One step to take today to encourage a fellow believer..
PLUS: How you can seek God with hunger today and resources to help you dig deeper..
PLUS: Trivia testing your knowledge of the kings of Judah...
PLUS: A song to help you memorize..
Review of the week and a challenge to be a witness this weekend..
A reference to Psalms and the example of Jesus..